To propel knowledge and appreciation of art represented of all the diverse nationalities in the City of Doral. To contribute to our community through several exhibitions in different spaces in Dorcam Pop up and Dorcam Beyond Dorcam, which strengthen social unity and encourage understanding of different cultures. To offer educational programs with unique cross-disciplinary approaches to the barriers of the art world which allow for a free exchange of ideas and an inclusive perspective. “ You may never reach a solution, but you’re never absolve from the responsibility of trying” -Millicent Fenwick
To build a home for DORCAM in the city of Doral so every resident and visitor can learn and appreciate the rich and diverse make-up of the community through art exhibits an educational programs from all over the artistic world representative of the various nationalities found in the city and in Miami-Dade County thus becoming a beacon of light of art without boundaries. “ With love and patience, nothing is impossible.” -Dr. Daisaku Ikeda
Board of Trustees, Chair
Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees
Executive Committee Advisor
Communications And Online Initiatives
Director Of Development
Legal Counsel
Visual Communications
+1 305-528-6212